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Security & Defense (FR/EN)
FAQ Sécurité & Défense (français-fr)
1. Les produits Delair sont-ils aux standards militaires ?
2. Les données hors et à bord des drones sont-elles chiffrées ?
3. Les modems utilisés par Delair respectent-ils les standards militaires ?
4. Les produits Delair sont-ils certifiés du point de vue aéronautique ?
5. Les produits Delair sont-ils soumis à la réglementation ITAR ?
6. Les systèmes de drones sont-ils adaptés aux conditions difficiles ?
7. La maintenance peut-elle être effectuée par un tiers ?
8. La formation est-elle longue ?
9. Delair peut-elle assurer le MCO pour des opérations à l'étranger ?
10. Les drones peuvent-ils être entretenus depuis des terrains sommaires ?
11. Quels sont les outils logiciels proposés pour exploiter cartes et modèles 3D issus des vols de drones ?
Security & Defense FAQ (english-en)
1. Do Delair products comply with military standards ?
2. Are Delair UAV data encrypted ?
3. Are Delair UAV modems compliant with military standards ?
4. Do Delair products benefit from an aviation certification ?
5. Are Delair Products ITAR-free ?
6. Can the UAS be used in harsh environmental conditions ?
7. Can servicing be done by the operator ?
8. Is it difficult to get started ?
9. Can Delair provide specific MCOs worldwide ?
10. Can drones be serviced in unprepared areas ?
11. What software tools do you offer for after flight analysis ?
UX11 Video Tutorials
UX11 Delair Link update
UX11 Firmware update
UX11 Data transfer
UX11 Delair Flight Deck Update
UX11 Control surfaces test
UX11 Battery charge
UX11 Delair Flight Deck Installation
UX11 Flight Termination System
UX11 Assembly
UX11 Abort Landing
UX11 Take-off
UX11 Mission planning
UX11 Disassembly
UX11 Unboxing & packing
UX11 Content
UX11 Association
FAQ 001 - Where I can find the UX11 User Manual?
FAQ 002 - How the wings are fixed to the body?
FAQ 003 - How do I associate my UAV in maintenance procedure?
FAQ 004 - How do I check APN configuration on the Tablet for the 3G/4G connection?
FAQ 005 - How the offset for landing zone can be set?
FAQ 006 - Why do I have a failed ground sensor test?
FAQ 007 - Why do I don't have the "Firmware Update" button?
FAQ 008 - How do I retrieve the flight log files when requested by Delair Support?
FAQ 009 - What should I do if I have a communication loss ?
FAQ 010 - How do I launch the UX11 for take off?
FAQ 011 - How do I process my UX11 data in Delair After Flight?
FAQ 012 - What are the available exported files after processing a dataset in Delair After Flight
FAQ 013 - What are the UX11-3B camera specifications?
FAQ 014 - What are the Delair After Flight system requirements?
FAQ-015 What's the best UX11 Workflow with TBC UASmaster and Pix4D?
FAQ-016 How do I format the UX11 SSD and in which format?
FAQ 017 - Base station files requirements
FAQ 018 - Software downloads & updates
UX11 Latest Release
Delair Flight Deck 6.0.13 - Release Notes
Delair Flight Deck Pro - Release Notes
Delair After Flight 6.3.3 - Release Notes
Delair After Flight 6.3.7 - Release Notes
Delair Flight Deck PRO 6.3.3 - Release Notes
Delair Flight Deck 6.3.3 - Release Notes
User Documents
UX11 User Manual
Delair After Flight - Dataset Export folder - Files available
MyDelair FAQ
FAQ-0019 I'm a reseller but I don't have access to MyDelair. What can I do to have access to the portal?
FAQ-0020 Where do I find the releases notes for my product?
FAQ-0021 Where can I get the the up to date User Guide?
How to get in touch with Delair Sales team?
Open navigation
UX11 Delair Link update
Modified on: Tue, 28 May, 2019 at 2:51 PM